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Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 6, 2019

Ielts Writing Essay Max Score 9.0 - Media - Topic 5: Children - watch TV or not?

Question 5: Watching TV is a waste of time for children. Do you agree or disagree?

It is easily noticeable that the TV has become a popular device in most households in the modern age. Watching TV is claimed by many to have an adverse influence on children. While I believe it does take some time off from a child's daily hours, the TV provides enormous benefits.  

It is fair to say that watching TV is time-consuming. Instead of learning, a large majority of children spend time sitting on their favorite sofas, tuning into their favorite TV channels, fixing their eyes on the screen for hours on end. If this becomes a habit, children might eventually neglect their study all together, and their school performance is affected. 

However, not all TV content is worthless: there are programs that offer educational and entertainment values to children. A wide variety of TV channels provide lessons on such subjects as math, biology, geography, and English, which children can watch and learn from. The BBC, the Discovery channel, and National Geographic are the best examples. In addition to this educational boost, the TV has various relaxing programs for children to unwind after hard-working days. Cartoons on Cartoon Network or other animated movie channels are designed especially for children, and without these, childhood would be a miserable time of boredom

All things considered, it is fair to say that the TV, like a coin, has two sides. The important thing to bear in mind is the balance between TV time and study time, which can only be achieved when parents take a proactive role in guiding their children. 

Ielts Writing Essay Max Score 9.0 - Media - Topic 4: The Internet Kills The Radio?

Question 4: With the development of the media online, there is no future for the radio. To what extent do you agree?
It is a phenomenon that online media is exploding all over the world. Some people claim that the rise of the internet will put an end to the age of the radio, but I believe this medium will be here to stay. 

It is obvious that the internet will reduce the audience of the radio. The cyber world is a central gathering of all types of information: news, current affairs, happenings, stories, reports, etc. can all be accessed easily with the click of a mouse. The internet has rendered communication readily available everywhere. In addition, radio contents are also accessible on their internet channels. People basically have the power to use to internet to tune in to their favorite radio stations.

However, the device itself still appeals to listeners for a varieties of reasons. The first attraction of the radio concerns the appearance of the object itself. A large number of people purchase radios to use not just as a source of information, but as an ornament as well. The antique look of antique radios, and the modern appearance of the stylish ones really add a touch of aesthetics to the decoration of one's house. Furthermore, those who have no access to the internet still rely on this medium for the daily intake of information. The radio is still a popular product in various regions of the world, especially in poverty-stricken ones.  

All things considered, it is obvious that the internet will lead to a decline in radio use, but the radio itself will still accompany humans as the need for information is endless, and access to the internet is not world wide. 

Word count: 273
Band score: 9.0

Ielts Writing Essay Max Score 9.0 - Media - Topic 3: Famous people set good examples?

Question 3: People in the lime light have a responsibility to set an example for others by their good behavior.  Do you agree?

It is publicly acknowledged that celebrities should establish a positive image, as they have great influence on the public in general. While I believe a proportion of the population may look to these people as role models, I strongly reject the idea that they are under an obligation to lead a good example. 

It goes without saying that TV celebs have an enormous impact on a large number of people. If they appear with a positive image in the media, chances are that their followers take pride in them, and will modify their own behavior to resemble these so-called mentors. On the contrary, when these celebs go off track, fans will end up in disappointment, and will either support their idol or join the anti-fans. There have been examples where fans break down in tears when their idols commit child abuse

Even though these celebs have the ability to exert gigantic influence upon other people, it is not fair to force them to always lead a good example in life. TV personalities are, after all, human beings: and to be human is to err. Mistakes, slips, errors, and even offenses, are facts of a person's life, and definitely no one can be in full control of their behavior. Furthermore, celebrities are not the one and only source of image to refer to. Schools and parents do play a prominent role in educating a country's future citizens, and they can do a considerably more effective job. As a matter of fact, idolism is temporary, while education is a long-lasting process

Taking everything into account, it is fair to say that celebrities are welcome to lead a role model for their fans, but attributing a responsibility to them to be all-time moral characters would be impossible, and certainly not advisable. 

Word count: 298
Band score: 9.0 

Ielts Writing Essay Max Score 9.0 - Media - Topic 2: Good or Bad News?

Question 2: People have a stronger liking for bad news, such as crimes and wars, than good news. Therefore, many people believe that more bad news should be broadcast.  What is your opinion? 

As a matter of public opinion, bad news is generally favored over good ones: broadcasts of wars, crimes, and social evils attract a large number of viewers. While I do acknowledge the benefits of such coverage, I strongly advocate the broadcast of more good news as this establishes a sense of optimism in the society.  

Negative news offers certain merits. The most noticeable concerns the media itself. As more people watch bad news, the general viewing figures increase, and the field of media can benefit from this. News reporters, journalists, and correspondents who compose such news will certainly earn a more handsome living. In addition, news of this type raises people's awareness of on-going social problems. Without such coverage, the population will definitely be unconscious of the latest current affairs, diseases and criminal activities. This means they stand a smaller chance of protecting themselves against potential incidents.  

However, bad news cannot satisfy all: if more good news is available, a positive outlook can be created in the public. Firstly, news of those who make a difference in the society reinforces people's belief in humanity. There have been cases of philanthropists who devote their time, wealth and efforts to helping those in need, and such reports make people feel confident in a better future world. Furthermore, more goods news means a finer balance. Besides the terrible content of a disaster, for example, reports on volunteers rushing to the aid of others and on communities lending a helping hand to the sufferers will ensure the public feel safe, and that life is a combination of curses and blessings, not just adversity. 

All things considered, it will be socially beneficial if the amount of bad and good news can be set at a balanced level, as this makes sure the public opinion is optimistic.

Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 6, 2019

How Can Student Performance Be Improved?

How Can Student Performance Be Improved?

Over the years, educators have tried to create a system that both supports individual development and teaches the knowledge and skills required by society. However, studies have shown that many students lack a basic understanding of language, science, mathematics, geography, history, and other subjects. 
Educators have explored numerous methods for measuring and improving student performance. Such methods include standardized testing programs, literacy programs, and accountability testing. Many parents and educators have called for additional measures, such as longer school hours, more homework, increased teacher salaries, and stricter discipline in the classroom. 
Standardized testing programs
Many countries have national standardized testing programs that seek to measure the performance of students. Standardized testing can identify what information students know, what information students have difficulty learning, and which students experience the greatest difficulty. The findings of such programs can help educators recognize and address shortcomings in the school system. In the United States, for example, a federally funded program called the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) has collected information about the skill and knowledge levels of U.S. students since 1969. 
Despite the widespread use of standardized tests, many educators criticize the programs. Some critics argue that the tests are unfair to students from lower social and economic groups or different cultural backgrounds. Such students may be unfamiliar with words, terms, and concepts used in the tests. 

To give these students an equal chance, many educators have tried to prepare culture-fair or culture-free tests. Such tests might consist of pictures, symbols, and nonsense syllables that are equally unfamiliar to everyone. Some critics also argue that testing programs do not measure true understanding of information and fail to encourage educational progress. Nevertheless, most educators believe that testing is a useful and necessary tool in education. 
Literacy programs. Experts throughout the world have identified illiteracy as one of the greatest problems facing education. Many developed countries-including the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada-have large numbers of adults who are functionally illiterate-that is, unable to read and write well enough to meet the demands of society. 

Many countries have implemented literacy programs that rely on volunteer teachers. In the 1960's, for instance, the Chinese government recruited about 30 million volunteer teachers with the slogan "You Who Can Read, Teach an Illiterate."
During the 1980's, many schools began to experiment with different teaching methods and increased free time for reading in an effort to stimulate young students' interest in reading. Some schools established adult reading centers to teach illiterate parents how to read and how to help their children develop good reading skills. 

Accountability testing. Many schools have experimented with more aggressive efforts to improve education. One of the most popular means of upgrading education is the use of accountability systems. Under an accountability system, teachers and schools are held responsible for students' progress. In the United States and other countries, governments have launched comprehensive testing programs to track the performance of students throughout their school careers. The programs help identify schools that consistently produce poor test scores. Once identified, failing schools receive intense scrutiny and help. If a school continues to perform poorly, it may be reorganized or closed.
In the United States, the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 established annual state tests for children in grades 3 through 8. The legislation also included measures for identifying low-performing schools and for assisting students in those schools. Under the law, if a school consistently performs poorly, its students may receive funds for tutoring or for transportation to other public schools. 
People who favor accountability systems believe such systems promote the effective teaching of basic skills. Many educators claim, however, that these systems fail to promote analytical or creative thinking. 



Canada, like the United States, does not have a national educational system. Instead, each province and territory organizes and regulates its own system of education. The national government controls schools for Indians, Inuit, and children of Canadian military personnel overseas. 
Public education is free throughout Canada. Most private schools charge tuition fees. Children are required to attend school for 10 years in most provinces. Most communities offer education to students from kindergarten through 12th grade. Students who plan to seek employment after completing their required education can take a two-year vocational course during high school. Students who plan to continue their education take a four - or five year general or vocational course. 
Canada has dozens of degree-granting institutions that are members of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. Other institutions of higher learning include technical institutes and community colleges. In Canada, a community college combines the last one or two years of high school and the first one or two years of college. 
Each Canadian province has a department of education headed by a minister of education. The department sets educational policies and standards for the entire province. But local authorities also have considerable control over their schools. Each province is divided into local school districts, each of which has a school board and a superintendent. 
Canada's provincial governments share the cost of education with local school districts. In six provinces-Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, and Saskatchewan-public funds are used to support religious schools. The other provinces provide little or no aid for religious schools. Many Roman Catholic schools, especially in Quebec, teach in French. Most Protestant and nonreligious schools in Canada teach in English. 



The four divisions that make up the United Kingdom-England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales-have separate educational systems. Each system is run by its own government department, which works closely with local school authorities. 
Children in the United Kingdom are required by law to begin school at the age of 5, except for children in Northern Ireland, who must begin school at the age of 4. The children are required to continue in school until they are 16. Generally, students attend primary (elementary) school until they are 11 or 12 years old. After that point, they attend secondary (high) school. There are several types of high schools in the United Kingdom. Some high schools provide a college preparatory education. Others stress a more technical or vocational education. However, most students attend comprehensive schools, which provide all types of high school education. 
The majority of British schoolchildren attend free primary schools and high schools that are supported by public funds. The rest go to private institutions called independent schools that are supported by fees paid by parents and by private gifts of money. There are several types of independent schools. The best known are the English public schools, which provide high school education. Although these schools are actually private institutions, they are called public schools because the earliest of these schools were established for the children of the middle classes. Some of these schools-such as Eton, Harrow, and Winchester-traditionally have trained students for the practice of law and for high-ranking positions in the government, the Church of England, and the armed forces. 
Institutions of higher education in the United Kingdom include two of the oldest and most famous universities in the world: the University of Oxford, founded in the 1100's, and the University of Cambridge, probably established in 1209. The University of London is the United Kingdom's largest traditional university. The Open University has more students, but it has no regular classrooms. Instead, the Open University provides instruction by radio, television, correspondence, the Internet, and other methods. Other universities in the United Kingdom include the University of Wales and the University of Glamorgan, in Wales; the universities at Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, and St. Andrews, in Scotland; and Queen's University Belfast and the University of Ulster, in Northern Ireland. 

Although mainly supported by public funds, universities in the United Kingdom are not part of the government-run system of education. Instead, they are independent, self-governing bodies. The universities themselves decide what subjects they teach, what degrees they award, and what staff they appoint. The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) reviews the standards of the schools. 

Thứ Hai, 17 tháng 6, 2019

Ielts Writing Essay Max Score 9.0 - Media - Topic 1: Violence in the media

Question 1: Violence in the media promotes violence in society. To what extent do you agree? 

There has been an increase in the amount of violence in the society in recent years. While it is true violence in the media can lead to that in the society, other factors are to blame as well

Media coverage of violence contributes to the rising level of social evils. Violent content on movies, news, and the internet can negatively influence young children, especially adolescents. Juveniles are not mentally prepared for such content, and when they feel excited by something new, their desire to try things out will be overwhelming. Besides, they also copy the style of violence they encounter in the media. Some young killers admit to imitating their TV heroes when they committed their crimes.  

However, the increase in social violence also stems from other sources. The most prominent cause is the lack of parental support. A large majority of disturbed children turn out to be antisocial, and they exhibit violent behaviors as a way to attract attention. Reports say that they acted out of hatred for their parents as they neglected them in the family. Another common cause concerns traumatic events in one's life. There are cases where a person turns over a new but bad leaf after a disastrous, shocking incident. Many girl fights resulted from a broken relationship or a triangle love affair. A great number of boy fights were consequences of some other problems in their lives. The core of the problem lies in the change of mindset as people experience these events. 

All things considered, it is fair to note the adverse impact media violence has on the society, yet it would be a more holistic observation to cite familial problems and traumatic events as culprits as well. 

Word count: 285
Band score: 9.0

IELTS WRITING ESSAYS MAX BAND SCORE 9.0 - Education - Topic 5: School Uniform

Question 5: Some schools are very strict about their school uniforms and the appearance of their pupils while other schools have a very relaxed dress code.  What are the advantages and disadvantages for children of having a school uniform? 

Uniforms are a controversial issue in education: some schools advocate a unique uniform, while others allow children to wear as they wish. As far as I am concerned, wearing uniforms has both pros and cons.  

On the one hand, uniforms offer enormous advantages. The most prominent merit concerns a sense of equality. When all students wear the same type of clothes, there is no difference on the outside appearance. A similar look indicates a similar status: discrimination will be reduced, and rich and poor students will not be poles apart. Additionally, such a dress code will benefit students economically. Instead of worrying about purchasing new outfits every week, students now can simply buy a few uniforms and wear them all year around. The money saved from this can be spent for more rational purposes.  

On the other hand, wearing uniforms may lead to certain issues. The first cause for concern is students' loss of freedom. While countries worldwide support individual freedom, a uniform will prevent this: students cannot express themselves in the most basic way - wearing what they feel comfortable in. Furthermore, not all uniforms are well-designed. There have been cases where students refuse to put on their school clothes simply out of aesthetic reasons. In such cases, if force is used by schools, this will generate a sense of dissatisfaction, and the overall students' morale will decline. This in turn affects the quality of learning. 

 All in all, it is obvious that school uniforms come with benefits and drawbacks. 

Word count: 250 
Band score: 9.0 

IELTS WRITING ESSAYS MAX BAND SCORE 9.0 - Education - Topic 4: School - Free or Not?

Question 4: Education should be accessible to everyone of all economic backgrounds. All levels of education, from primary school to tertiary education, should be free. To what extent do you agree with this opinion? 
It is generally agreed that education is a necessity, and a right for all citizens. However, I strongly believe not all levels of education should be provided free or charge

Certain levels of schooling can be freely accessible. Many countries in the world need to make sure all people have access to the most fundamental form of education; therefore, they offer costless education for children aged 6 to 11. Primary schools, secondary schools, and high schools can fall into this category. In fact, a large number of students drop out of school annually due to financial problems. If these basic levels of education are free, the overall skills and competence of a country's population will be enhanced.  

However, certain types of teaching and training must come with a price. Under-graduate and post-graduate education are the best cases in point. These are offered to those who would like to upgrade their academic understanding as well as polish expert skills. People who finish these programs are likely to make a handsome income in their future life. Therefore, asking for payment is reasonable. Besides, those who decide to continue this education should be well aware of the value of schooling they receive: if university is free, students will simply ignore their learning, and the overall results will be large-scale retraining. Fees ensure a sense of responsibility

All things considered, it is necessary to impose a fee on certain types of education, notably post-high school levels, while general education should be freely available to all citizens. This both ensures a general betterment of citizens' skills and a strong sense of discipline in students. 

Word count: 270
Band score: 9.0

IELTS WRITING ESSAY MAX BAND SCORE 9.0 - Education - Topic 3: Leave or Stay in Class?

Question 3: Some people think that teachers should be able to ask disruptive children to leave the class. Do you think it is the best way to deal with a disruptive child in the classroom? What other solutions are there?
A large majority of people support the idea that teachers should have the authority to dismiss disruptive children. As far as I am concerned, this is not the optimum measure, and other solutions can be relied on.  

Forcing bad-behaving children to leave the class can be an effective temporary strategy, but in the long run it has adverse consequences. The most noticeable issue that will arise is the child's mental state: they will be shocked and lose face in front of others. In the end, they may become afraid and will either retreat into their shells or turn into violent individuals. Besides, this method may create a gap between the teacher and the student. The job of the teacher is to provide academic and moral education, and if the relationship is broken, this goal can never be achieved.  

Instead of using such a drastic measure, teachers can try other methods. One of the easiest alternatives is to have a meeting with parents. To educate a child successfully, the parent needs to join hands with teacher, and discussing the problem will produce the most effective action to take. Another potential way is giving responsibility to that disruptive child: making him the class monitor will surely change the way he behaves. Many teachers have tested the methods and the results were promising. The child no longer misbehaves, but even sets good examples.  

In conclusion, teachers need to make use of a variety of methods when it comes to difficult cases. Asking children to walk out of class is a counter-effective strategy after all. 

Word count: 261
Band: 9.0 

Ielts Writing Essay Max Band Score 9.0 - Education - Topic 2: Art or Math?

Question 2: The role of education is to prepare children for the modern world. Schools should cut art and music out of the curriculum so that children can focus on useful subjects such as information technology. To what extent do you agree?
It is generally believed that education needs to brace students for the demands of the modern world. Some people claim art and music should be omitted from the curriculum in order for children to focus on more practical subjects. From my perspective, useful subjects such as information technology definitely should be emphasized in school, but art and music still play an important role.

As a matter of fact, practical subjects are of paramount importance in education. Many of these subjects prepare students for the world of work. Information technology, for example, gives students great job opportunities in their working career. Students who major in economics and related fields have a high chance of being employed at well-known companies. Furthermore, there are subjects that serve as basis for students' working life. Math, physics, and certain theoretical subjects help to enhance students' cognitive ability. Without a good knowledge of these, it will be hard for an individual to work effectively and climb the promotion ladder.  

Such benefits do not mean those subjects are everything: an exclusion of art and music will surely lead to serious issues. First, these provide people with a sense of beauty, which in turns make their lives more satisfied and relaxed. Without music, for example, the world will be a land of boredom. In addition, the field of arts makes sure students can balance their logic thinking. If students only study science, chances are that they tend to ignore important values in the society and will focus on only the most prominent benefits: they need to develop an adequate understanding of arts as well to ensure their contributions to the society are positive.  

All things considered, it is of great significance to help students focus on science and related fields, but an ignorance of arts will result in an imbalance in thought, and an imbalance in life.

Word count: 309
Band: 9.0 

Ielts Writing Essays Max Band Score 9.0- Education - Topic 1: Teacher or Parents?

Ielts Writing Essays Max Band Score 9.0 - Topic 1
Question 1: Discipline is an ever increasing problem in modern schools. Some people think that discipline should be the responsibility of teachers while others think that this is the role of parents. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. 
There has been a dramatic increase in discipline-related issues in modern schools. Many people take the view that it is teachers who should take responsibility, while others believe only parents can solve the issue. To the best of my knowledge, both arguments are reasonable, but a combination of both the teacher and the parent will produce the best solution

On the one hand, teachers have the necessary power to discipline children. The government in Vietnam states clearly in educational laws that the role of the teacher includes training moral values, and apply punishment whenever students fail to follow regulations. Certainly, most students are intimidated by their teacher, and will not dare to break disciplinary rules. However, there are still disobedient students who do not fear the the teacher's authority, and these still go against the established laws. This can be seen in cases of girl fights reported monthly in Vietnamese newspapers. 

On the other hand, parents not only have control over their children, but also an emotional tie. Although parents do not meet their children when they are at school, they have the rest of the day to monitor their children's behavior. Many naughty students always fear their parents and never dare to show any tongue-in-cheek attitude. Besides, the intimate relationship between parents and children makes it easier to educate them morally. Family gatherings, as well as private father-son or mother-daughter talks, can have enormous effects on children's way of thinking. The teacher may have great authority, but parents can get bad-mannered children to turn over a new leaf.

All things considered, to solve the problem of growing disciplinary issues in Vietnam, it is absolutely a must to use a combination of both parents and teachers. Each has their own strengths, and will complement each other.


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